Thursday, September 6, 2007

viva mexico!

Mexico in pictures. My brain is too tired to manage many words.
We read, we nap. It's really hot by the Sea of Cortez.
We eat fish tacos in town.We drink an unreasonable amount of horchata and buy mucho coco ice cream.I don't know what to say about this.
We visit the Valley Of The Giants. Big cacti everywhere.
We are happy.
Until we get the car stuck in the sand. We try, unsuccessfully, to dig it we decide to make camp in the cactus shade until it gets cool enough to walk for help.
but help arrives quickly and miraculously! Alex pulls us out with his Hummer, then lets us stay at his campsite.His ocean is much nicer than the ocean we were camping near. We are happy again.

We miss Sparklepants.
I was born to be a diplomat, I think, with initials so universally understandable.
Adios - till next Labor Day!

* one of my favorite traditions, I would like to mention, is singing Neil Diamond's Coming to America as we cross the border. This year we sang it 5 times with a lot of fist-pumping from Bonz and me in the backseat. Freedom's light burning warm...freedom's light burning warm!


$ara said...

aaaw. i want to be a part of this next go round.

johnny said...

i am so glad that roxie was able to be there in my place and that i was there in photograhic reproduction.

Renegade of Funk said...

Somehow you went from starting grad school to vacationing in mexico. I like your style Comptron.