* yesterday #21 with Sara (I miscounted in the earlier blog, so let us add "inaccuracy" to the list of things I was celebrating with photos of us):
* today at Ivy at the Shore in Santa Monica, seated at a table next to The Rock and The Daughter Of The Rock. it was a work lunch with seafood risotto that beat me down. James Newton Howard was there too (film composer I met years ago when I was working at ASCAP. he wrote music for Signs, King Kong, Batman Begins....)
* Monday, 24 - didn't watch it. didn't care. i'm behind 8+ episodes and plan on watching them all on Tivo, in fast-forward. after 5 years of devoted attention and temporarily adopting the name wcBauer, who would have predicted the coming of this apathy?
* Tonight, Lost: couldn't be more excited.
* Swiss Miss (Jenny Lechner, b. Switzerland): she's a gem. she's been here in the US for almost a year now...and this week, she bids us all goodbye to head back to the cows and chocolate and rolling hills. We had a swiss dinner in Venice last night in her honor:
* Guatemala: where I'm headed tonight. 5 days, long Memorial Day weekend last minute birthday affair, with Kat. Plans are few, but there will be ruins, jungles, climbing, and abundant communication mishaps (gonna speak deutsch, not espanol). More on this, and many other things (like BLINK, a fascinating book I just finished) upon my return.
a PSA: every Memorial and Veterans' Day, I visit the National Cemetery in Westwood. If you live in LA, it's worth taking a moment to stop by (parking is free), walk around, and reflect on whatever you feel like reflecting on.